Friday, May 31, 2013

The Costs of Standardized Testing

The Costs of Standardized Testing (view the original source here)

It's sadly ironic that standardized testing has been hyped as the definitive way of quantifying our education systems while the cancerous consequences may never be measurable.

Here is but a modest list of the costs we have suffered at the hands of standardized testing:

  • Standardized testing has narrowed the curriculums that are taught and learned to match the subjects (language arts and math) that are tested, while limiting or eliminating subjects that are not tested (the arts and physical activity). Even subjects that are tested have been narrowed to only what is known to be covered on the test.
  • Loss of opportunities for students to have a broad range of educational experiences.
  • Scarce and valuable time, effort and resources have been used to turn schools into glorified test preparation facilities.
  • They distract whole nations of adults and children on testing instead of real learning.
  • Standardized testing has instilled a a simplistic view of education in the public.
  • Standardized testing has narrowed and bastardized the definition of student achievement (read: high scores)
  • Teachers have lost their pedagogical autonomy to make decisions based on their own students' needs.
  • Assessment, which by definition should be a tool for teachers and students, has been hijacked by the government.
  • Authentic assessment practices such as performance assessments and portfolios have been largely ignored in favor of the standardized multiple choice test.
  • The unreasonable pressure associated with high stakes, standardized testing has corrupted our schools leading to a stack of cheating scandals.
  • Standardized testing has become a political weapon wielded by corporate reform efforts to link teacher pay to student test scores and eliminate tenure and collective bargaining which is nothing less than a direct assault on the teaching profession.
  • By directing our focus to the scores instead of the learning process, high-stakes testing makes it difficult to fully understand what exactly is happening in our schools, and it makes it even more difficult for teachers and students to engage in real learning.
  • Standardized tests are a major source of test anxiety which has grown into a subfield of educational psychology.
  • Formative assessment becomes enslaved by the desire for higher scores thus reducing formative assessment to nothing more than miniature summative assessments
  • As bad as teaching to the test can be, some classrooms have reduced themselves to testing to the test. Classroom time is devoured by not only the tests themselves but practice tests, pre and post tests, field tests for the tests, benchmark tests, teacher tests, district tests, and state or provincial tests.
  • Standardized tests both over-estimate and under-estimate the abilities and potential of children.
If you have more to add to this list, please do so with a comment.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Score Card is the Money Card

What do standardized test scores tell us? (view the original source here)

Today I am going to continue my critique of the Fraser Institute's Report Card on Alberta's High Schools for 2011.

Consider this chart that I created based on information from the Fraser Report:

Here are some interesting details:
  • 5 out of the top 20 schools have reported 0% special needs with the highest being 19%. Every single school in the bottom 20 reported a special needs population with the least being 4.9% and the most being 100%.
  • 12 out of the top 20 schools have an average parent income over $100,000 and 6 of them were over $200,000. In the bottom 20, not one school has an average parent income over $100,000 while half are below $60,000.
  • There are outliers. Bawlf is the only school in the top 20 with an average parent income below $50,000, and there are three schools in the bottom 20 who have an average parent income over $90,000; however, two of those three schools report that over 20% of their population is special needs.
Those in favor of ranking schools via their standardized test scores like to say that it provides parents with the information they need to choose a school for their children. At first glance this looks like it makes a lot of sense -- many people see standardized test scores as the public's window into the quality of our schools. But what if standardized test scores aren't telling us what we think they are telling us? What if standardized test scores tell us less about in-school factors and more about out-of-school factors? In fact, this is exactly the case. Socio-economic status is by far the strongest predictor of student performance on standardized tests.

In Alfie Kohn's book The Case Against Standardized Testing, Kohn explains what standardized testing  really tells us:
The main thing they tell us is how big the students' houses are. Research has repeatedly found that the amount of poverty in the communities where schools are located, along with other variables having nothing to do with what happens in classrooms, accounts for the great majority of the difference in test scores from one area to the next. To that extent, tests are simply not a valid measure of school effectiveness. (Indeed, one educator suggested that we could save everyone a lot of time and money by eliminating standardized tests and just asking a single question: "How much money does your mom make? ... OK, you're on the bottom.") Only someone ignorant or dishonest would present a ranking of schools' test results as though it told us about the quality of teaching that went on in those schools when, in fact, it primarily tells us about socio-economic status and available resources. Of course, knowing what really determines the score makes it impossible to defend the practice of using them as the basis for high-stakes decisions.
When some hear the argument that poverty matters, they like to declare that poverty isn't destiny and that socio-economic status isn't everything. Some will say that within a given school, a group of students of the same status will have variations in the scores. To thisKohn replies:
Sure. And among people who smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, there are going to be variations in lung cancer rates. but that doesn't change the fact that smoking is the factor most powerfully associated with lung cancer.
In Edmonton, Todd Rogers from the University of Alberta conducted research on the variables that affect student performance on Alberta's Provincial Achievement Tests. Rogers found that "by far, the strongest predictor of student performance on achievement tests is socio-economic status (SES)."

In Calgary, Hugh Lytton and Michael Pyryt came to similar conclusions: "Social class factors explain about 45 per cent of the variation in achievement test results. The correlation between income level and achievement test scores is very strong."

Both studies were summarized by the Alberta Teachers' Association News in 1997.

In his book Measuring Up: What Educational Testing Really Tells Us, Daniel Koretz writes about a friend of his that ran a large testing program who often received calls from parents asking him for how they could use standardized test scores to select the best school for their children. Often these phone calls were disappointing for parents because they wanted a method that was simple and free from ambiguity and complexity. Koretz's friend shared an example of when a parent simply wanted a list of the schools with the highest test scores. After trying to explain that test scores shouldn't really be used that way, Koretz's friend lost his patience and told the parent, "If all you want is high average test-scores, tell your realtor that you want to buy into the highest-income neighbourhood you can manage. That will buy you the highest average score you can afford."

Real accountability is about transparency but there is nothing transparent about how standardized testing reduces learning to the convenience of a number or a rank. We are mistakenly led to believe that standardized test scores tell us about school quality when really it is an echo-chamber for affluence and opportunity. Mark Twain may have summarized all this up nicely when he said:
It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ranking and Ruining Our Schools

Ranking and Ruining our Schools (view the original source here)

When it comes to the Fraser Institute's Schools Rankings, there is little disagreement between the Alberta Government, the Alberta School Board Association and the Alberta Teachers' Association. Talk to a politician, school board trustee or teacher in Alberta and you are likely to hear why it is wrong to rank and sort schools via standardized test scores. In fact, in 2001, the Alberta Government, Alberta School Boards' Association and the Alberta Teachers' Association released a joint statement that said:
Alberta Learning, the Alberta School Boards Association and the Alberta Teachers' Association do not support comparing schools exclusively on the basis of test scores because this provides an incomplete picture of the education provided in any given school. As groups committed to education, we believe strongly in ensuring that parents and students are provided good and complete information as they make the important decisions about which school to attend—how well students do on achievement tests is just one piece of the puzzle.
Years ago, Alberta's then Education Minister Gene Zwozdesky said that it's, "patently unfair to make comparisons between schools based on scores," and last year, Alberta's then Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk said, "The Provincial Achievement Tests were suppose to inform the province about how well the curriculum is taught, but there are third parties who use the results to rank and sort and blame and shame schools."

If there is so much agreement over why it is wrong to rank and sort schools via standardized test scores, why is the Fraser Institute allowed to continue misusing test scores to mislead the public with their rankings?

It's true, the Fraser Institute is not doing anything illegal, after all, the Provincial Achievement Test scores are public information. But just because something isn't wrong doesn't make it right. 

The Alberta Teachers' Association has been an outspoken critic of standardized tests and has fuelled the argument for more authentic alternatives to public assurance

What is the Alberta Government and Alberta School Board Association doing to make sureschools like Braemar are not victimized by school rankings?

Why does the Alberta Government and Alberta School Board Association pursue policies that help third party organizations rank and sort our schools? The silence you hear from the Alberta Government and the Alberta School Board Association is a combination of assent for the rankings and a betrayal to our children.

To paraphrase Edmund Burke, all that is necessary for the misuse of test scores to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Student 'zombies' Protest Standardized Tests

Student ‘zombies’ protest standardized tests

The year-long revolt against high-stakes standardized testing by teachers, parents, principals and superintendents and others is being increasingly fueled by students.

In Providence, R.I., dozens of students decked out to look like zombies staged a rally recently at the State House to protest a requirement, which takes effect with the class of 2014, that students must attain a certain score on the New England Common Assessment Program test to graduate from high school, according to the Providence Journal.

A Facebook page has been created called Parents and Kids Against Standardized Testing.
In Oregon, students are organizing an opt-out campaign to persuade other students not to take state standardized tests. Here’s a Q & A I did by e-mail with one of the organizers, high school student Alexia Garcia.

Q) Tell me about the “opt out” movement you and other students in Portland are starting.
A) We have two Student Unions in Portland and when we finally connected, we realized that one issue we’ve both talked about was standardized testing and it’s role in evaluation of students, teachers and schools. The idea for an opt-out came up a couple of times during discussions, however no action was taken till after hearing that students were about to start taking their state writing tests. From there we immediately organized and educated ourselves on the process of opting out and impacts opting out would have on the schools.

We see these standardized tests as an inaccurate depiction of student knowledge, they’re expensive and take time from real class time, they do not provide comprehensive feedback to teachers, and scores have an extremely high correlation with class and race. We are opting out because we want to send a greater message that students’ knowledge cannot be quantified, and about how there is so much more to a student than their test scores show. We want people to know that students, teachers and schools should not be evaluated on scores that have an extremely high correlation with class and race. We are asking for a more holistic approach to education, one controlled locally with 360 evaluations done by students, teachers, parents and community members.

Q) Tell me more about your personal experience with standardized tests.
A) I am a senior in high school, and I’ve been taking standardized tests ever since 2nd grade or 3rd grade. I remember really stressing out over the tests as an elementary and middle school student. There is a lot of pressure put on students to do well on them. Teachers would do practice tests with us and teach us techniques to doing well on the test. I have always been a really slow test taker, so it’s been one of those things where I have not finished with the rest of my class and had to be pulled out of additional class to finish. Once I started high school I realized that these tests were not actually as important as they are made out to be, in that they were not related to the class, but simply an additional state requirement. The material on the tests was not relevant to what I had been learning in class. Also, teachers would have to stop mid-unit to administer the tests, that was something that really frustrated me as a student. We would be learning something actually interesting, then have to take a day or two off to test.

Q) How many students are involved in the opt-out campaign at the moment and How many do you think you can get to join? How do you plan to do it?

A) I’d say there are about 40 students actively organizing the campaign between the two Student Unions. As for participation in the opt-out, we will be having the schools’ respective Student Unions pass out information at lunch, hang posters in the schools, and hold “teach-ins” to explain the goals of the campaign as well as the process of opting out.

I think we’ll get a considerable percentage of students opting out because these tests are optional and most students take the SAT, ACT, PSAT, and IB or AP anyways (PSAT and ACT are offered for free at school), all of which are alternative ways to demonstrate proficiency in the required areas. Also, showing proficiency in science is not required for graduation, therefore all students can easily opt-out without fear of being able to graduate.

Q) What impact are you hoping to have on the education reform debate?

We’re hoping to send a greater message to the Department of Education about how students really do care about our education. For as long as we’ve been in school, our generation has seen nothing but cuts to our education system. Over the years we’ve seen increased class sizes, less community control over our schools, and a movement towards standardization. We are standing up to say the system needs to change and public education needs to be better funded.

Clearly standardized testing is a hot topic right now, and we hope to impact that conversation. Standardized testing is an all encompassing issue, we see the concerns about equity in the education system as test scores have such a high correlation with race and class, not to mention the racial biases built into the tests. Then there is the issue of expense to districts, the issues surrounding evaluation, and the issue with a lack of community control over school. These are all things we as students would like to add to the education reform debate. In all, we are asking for a more holistic approach to education, meaning less standards, and more community based evaluation and control.

Friday, May 24, 2013

World MS Day on May 29th

Wednesday, May 29th is World MS Day.  Teach your students about Multiple Sclerosis using this BrianPOP video.  If your students would like to do more to help people affected by MS, please contact me and we could set up an MS Read-a-Thon at your school!  Both sides of my family have a history of MS and chances are there is someone you know who has a family member with MS.  Help educate to eradicate!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

5 Steps and 10 Tools for Flipping the Classroom

5 Steps and 10 Tools for Flipping the Classroom

If yesterday's infographic got you curious about Flipping YOUR classroom, click on the link above to learn about how to flip your class and some cool tools to help you do it.  Even if you aren't flipping your class, you may learn some neat tips and tricks.  The link includes a downloadable e-book for reference.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Flipped Classroom

Nya:weh to Tom Deer for sharing this infographic on the Flipped Classroom.      

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The 100 Best Video Sites For Education

What are you going to do with all that time in June?  When the weather is hot and the air conditioning is cool and the students still have time to learn?  Why not try one of these "100 Best Video Sites For Education"?

Click the link above to see the original source of the content below...

specifically designed for education, these collections make it easy to find video learning resources.
  1. TeacherTube: This YouTube for teachers is an amazing resource for finding educationally-focused videos to share with your classroom. You can find videos uploaded by other teachers or share your own.
  2. Edutopia: An awesome place to find learning ideas and resources, Edutopia has videos, blogs, and more, all sorted into grade levels.
  3. YouTube EDU: A YouTube channel just for education, you can find primary and secondary education, university-level videos, and even lifelong learning.
  4. Classroom Clips: Classroom Clips offers media for educators and students alike, including video and audio in a browseable format.
  5. neoK12: Find science videos and more for school kids in K-12 on neoK12.
  6. OV Guide: Find education videos on this site, featuring author readings and instructional videos.
  7. CosmoLearning: This free educational website has videos in 36 different academic subjects.
  8. Google Educational Videos: Cool Cat Teacher offers this excellent tutorial for finding the best of Google’s educational videos.
  9. Brightstorm: On Brightstorm, students can find homework help in math and science, even test prep, too.
  10. shares live animal cams, films, educational channels, and more for your classroom to explore.
  11. UWTV: Offered by the University of Washington, UWTV has videos in the arts, K-12, social sciences, health, and more.
  12. With, you’ll get access to browseable lectures designed for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, offering videos in architecture, business, technology, and many more categories.
  13. TED-Ed: From a site that’s long been known for big ideas, you’ll find TED-Ed, videos specifically designed to act as highly engaging and fun lessons.
  14. Zane Education: Zane Education offers resources for visual learning, including the very popular on demand subtitled videos.
  15. Backpack TV: In this educational video library, you’ll find a special interest in math, science, and other academic subjects.
  16. MentorMob: Featuring learning playlists, MentorMob is a great place to find lessons you want to teach.
  17. Disney Educational Productions: This resource from Disney is a great place to find videos for students at the K-12 level.

General Video Collections

Network TV, inspiring talks, and more are all available in these collections. Check out special categories and searches to find videos that will work in your classroom.
  1. Hulu: A great place to find the latest TV shows, Hulu is also a source of educational videos. Documentaries, PBS, even Discovery videos are all available on the site.
  2. Internet Archive: Find so much more than videos in the Internet Archive. Images, live music, audio, texts, and yes, historical and educational videos are all available on
  3. TED: Share seemingly endless inspiration with your students through TED, a fountain of talks based on compelling ideas.
  4. MIT Video: Online education giant MIT has an incredible video collection, offering more than 10,000 videos for science, technology, and more.
  5. TVO: TVO is a really fun and useful online TV station, with great ways for kids, parents, and educators to learn about the world.
  6. Big Think: Much like TED, Big Think offers videos (and more) from some of the world’s top thinkers and learners.
  7. @Google Talks: On this YouTube channel, you’ll find talks from creators: authors, musicians, innovators, and speakers, all discussing their latest creations.
  8. Metacafe: Find free video clips from just about anywhere, offering educational videos, documentaries, and more.
  9. Link TV: On Link TV, you’ll find videos and broadcasts meant to connect you and your students to the greater world through documentaries and cultural programs.

Teacher Education

Featuring higher-level learning, these video sites are great resources for finding education that’s fit for teachers.
  1. Academic Earth: Learn about science, justice, economics, and more from some of the world’s great universities. You can even earn a degree from this site!
  2. Teacher Training Videos: Specifically created to teach educators, Teacher Training Videos is a great place to find online tutorials for technology in education.
  3. Classroom 2.0: Check out Classroom 2.0′s videos to learn about Web 2.0, social media, and more.
  4. Atomic Learning: Visit Atomic Learning to find resources for K-12 professional development.
  5. iTunesU: Find university-level learning and more from iTunesU.
  6. Videos for Professional Development: An excellent collection of professional development videos, Wesley Fryer’s post shares some of the best teacher videos available.
  7. Annenberg Learner offers excellent teacher professional development and classroom resources for just about every curriculum available.
  8. MIT Open CourseWare: The leader in Open CourseWare, MIT has free lectures and videos in 2,100 courses.

Lesson Planning

Put together your lesson plans with the help of these useful video sites.
  1. Teachers’ Domain: Join the Teachers’ Domain, and you’ll get access to educational media from public broadcasting and its partners, featuring media from the arts, math, science, and more.
  2. Meet Me at the Corner: A great place for younger kids to visit, Meet Me At the Corner has educational videos, and kid-friendly episodes, including virtual field trips and video book reviews by kids, for kids.
  3. WatchKnowLearn: WatchKnowLearn is an incredible resource for finding educational videos in an organized repository. Sorted by age and category, it’s always easy to find what you’re looking for.
  4. BrainPOP: On this education site for kids, you’ll find animated educational videos, graphics, and more, plus a special section for BrainPOP educators.
  5. The KidsKnowIt Network: Education is fun and free on this children’s learning network full of free educational movies and video podcasts.
  6. Khan Academy: With more than 3,200 videos, Khan Academy is the place to learn almost anything. Whether you’re seeking physics, finance, or history, you’ll find a lesson on it through Khan Academy.
  7. Awesome Stories: Students can learn the stories of the world on this site, with videos explaining what it was like to break ranks within the Women’s Movement, the life of emperor penguins, and even Martin Luther King, Jr’s “We Shall Overcome” speech.
  8. Nobelprize: Cap off lessons about Nobel Prize winners with videos explaining their work and life, direct from the source on
  9. JohnLocker: JohnLocker is full of educational videos and free documentaries, includingYogis of Tibet and Understanding the Universe.

Science, Math, and Technology

You’ll find special attention for STEM subjects on these video sites.
  1. Green Energy TV: On Green Energy TV, you’ll find learning resources and videos for the green movement, including a video version of the children’s book Living Green: A Turtle’s Quest for a Cleaner Planet.
  2. BioInteractive: Find free videos and other resources for teaching “ahead of the textbook” from BioInteractive, part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
  3. ARKive: Share images and videos of the world’s most endangered species with your students, thanks to ARKive. These wildlife films and photos are from some of the world’s best filmmakers and photographers, sharing stunning images that everyone can appreciate.
  4. MathTV: Students who need extra help with math can find support on MathTV. This site offers videos explaining everything from basic mathematics all the way to trigonometry and calculus.
  5. The Vega Science Trust: A project of Florida State University, The Vega Science Trust shares lectures, documentaries, interviews, and more for students to enjoy and learn from.
  6. The Science Network: Check out The Science Network, where you’ll find the world’s leading scientists explaining concepts including viruses and the birth of neurons.
  7. PopTech: Bringing together a global community of innovators, PopTech has videos explaining economics, water, and plant-based fuels.
  8. PsychCentral: Students can learn about what makes people tick through PsychCentral’s brain and behavior videos.
  9. How Stuff Works: The video channel from How Stuff Works offers an in-depth look at adventure, animals, food, science, and much more.
  10. Science Stage: Find science videos, tutorials, courses, and more streaming knowledge on Science Stage.
  11. Exploratorium TV: Allow students to explore science and beyond with Exploratorium TV’s videos, webcasts, podcasts, and slideshows.
  12. SciVee: SciVee makes science visible, allowing searchable video content on health, biology, and more.
  13. The Futures Channel: Visit the Futures Channel to find educational videos and activities for hands-on, real world math and science in the classroom.
  14. All Things Science: For just about any science video you can imagine, All Things Science has it, whether it’s about life after death or space elevators.
  15. ATETV: Check out Advanced Technological Education Television (ATETV) to find videos exploring careers in the field of technology.

History, Arts, and Social Sciences

Explore history and more in these interesting video collections.
  1. The Kennedy Center: Find beautiful performances from The Kennedy Center’s Performance Archive.
  2. The Archaeology Channel: Students can explore human cultural heritage through streaming media on The Archaeology Channel.
  3. Web of Stories: On Web of Stories, people share their life stories, including Stan Lee, writer, Mike Bayon, WWII veteran, and Donald Knuth, computer scientist.
  4. Stephen Spielberg Film and Video Archive: In this archive, you’ll find films and videos relating to the Holocaust, including the Nuremberg Trials and Hitler speeches.
  5. Culture Catch: Students can tune into culture with Dusty Wright’s Culture Catch.
  6. Folkstreams: On, a national preserve of documentary films about American roots cultures, you’ll find the best of American folklore films.
  7. Digital History: A project of the University of Houston, Digital History uses new technology, including video, to enhance teaching and research in history.
  8. History Matters: Another university project, this one is from George Mason University. Sharing primary documents, images, audio, and more, there’s plenty of historic multimedia to go around on this site.
  9. Social Studies Video Dictionary: Make definitions visual with this video dictionary for social studies.
  10. The Living Room Candidate: From the Museum of the Moving Image, The Living Room Candidate features presidential campaign commercials from 1952 to 2008.
  11. Video Active: Find Europe’s TV heritage through Video Active, a collection of TV programs and stills from European audiovisual archives.
  12. Media Education Foundation: The Media Education Foundation offers documentary films and other challenging media for teaching media literacy and media studies.

Video Tools

Make it easy to find, share, and view videos with these tools.
  1. DropShots: On DropShots, you’ll find free, private, and secure storage and sharing for video and photos.
  2. Muvee: Using Muvee, you can create your own photo and video “muvees” to share privately with your class.
  3. Tonido: Tonido makes it possible to run your own personal cloud, accessing video files on your computer from anywhere, even your phone.
  4. Vidique: On Vidique, you’ll find a video syndication system where you can create your own channel of curated content for the classroom.
  5. SchoolTube: On SchoolTube, you’ll find video sharing for both students and teachers, highlighting the best videos from schools everywhere.

Network and Program Videos

Check out these sites to find public broadcasting and other educational programs.
  1. PBS Video: Watch and share PBS videos online with this site.
  2. National Geographic: Find some of the world’s most amazing videos of natural life on National Geographic’s online video home.
  3. NOVA Teachers: NOVA shares highly organized videos for teachers, with 1-3 hour programs divided into chapters, plus short 5-15 minute segments from NOVA scienceNOW.
  4. Discovery Education: Use Discovery Education’s videos to inspire curiosity, bringing the Discovery channel into your classroom.
  5. C-SPAN Video Library: Find Congressional and other political programs and clips in this digital archive from C-SPAN.
  6. NBC Learn: Check out NBC Learn to find excellent resources for learning from NBC, including the science behind just about everything from the summer Olympics to hockey.
  7. Watch full episodes, clips, and videos from the History channel.
  8. Biography: Get the true story behind peoples’ lives from these videos from the Biography channel.
  9. BBC Learning: BBC offers an excellent learning site, including learning resources for schools, parents, and teachers. One of BBC’s most impressive resources is a live volcano conversation discussing the world’s most active volcano in Hawaii.

Free Movies and Clips

Documentaries and other educational movies and clips are available on these sites.
  1. Free Documentaries: On Free Documentaries, “the truth is free,” with a variety of documentary films available for streaming.
  2. SnagFilms: On SnagFilms, you can watch free movies and documentaries online, with more than 3,000 available right now.
  3. Top Documentary Films: Watch free documentaries online in this great collection of documentary movies.
  4. TV Documentaries: This Australian site has excellent documentaries about child growth, historic events, and even animations about classical Greek mythology.


Satisfy students’ desire for knowledge and hands-on learning by sharing how-to videos from these sites.
  1. 5min: If you’ve got five minutes, you can learn how to do something on this site. Check it out to find instructional videos and DIY projects.
  2. Wonder How To: Learn everything about anything from Wonder How To’s show and tell videos.
  3. Instructables: This community of doers shares instructions (often, video) for doing just about anything, from making secret doors to tiny origami.
  4. Howcast: Find some of the best how-to videos online with Howcast.
  5. MindBites: Check out MindBites to find thousands of video lessons, how-tos, and tutorials.
  6. W3Schools: Through W3Schools’ web tutorials (video and otherwise), you can learn how to create your own websites.
  7. Videojug: Videojug encourages users to “get good at life” by watching more than 60,000 available how-to videos and guides.

Government and Organizations

Offered as a service from government organizations and other groups, these are great places to find top-notch educational videos and often, historical treasures.
  1. US National Archives: Explore US history in this YouTube channel from the US National Archives.
  2. National Science Foundation: From the National Science Foundation, you’ll find a wealth of multimedia, including instructional and educational videos.
  3. NASA eClips: NASA offers a great way for students and educators to learn about space exploration, with clips divided by grade level.
  4. NASA TV: Tune in to NASA TV to watch launches, talks, even space station viewing.
  5. Library of Congress: Through the Library of Congress, you can find videos and other classroom materials for learning about American history.
  6. American Memory Collections: Search America’s collective memory to find videos and other multimedia from the American past, including film and sound recordings from the Edison Companies and 50 years of Coca-Cola TV ads.
  7. Canadian National Film Bureau: Check out the Canadian National Film bureau to find hundreds of documentaries and animated films available online.
This is a cross-post from our content partners at Accredited Online Colleges